Emotional & Natural law

Privacy Policy


◯ UNDULATION will not use personal information (as defined in Article 2.1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information Protection Act")) when you use this store. The "Personal Information Protection Law" (hereafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Law"). Other information about the individual customer (hereinafter referred to as "customer information") may be obtained. The Company may acquire other information related to individual customers (hereinafter referred to as "Customer Information").

UNDULATION shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws, regulations, and guidelines, as well as the privacy policy set forth below (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") when handling Customer Information. UNDULATION/UNDULATION will comply with the Privacy Policy set forth below (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy").

Subject of application

This Privacy Policy applies to all customer information that we obtain in the course of your use of the Shop.

Customer Information

The Shop collects the following customer information through the following means:
1 ) Direct input by the customer on the Shop's services
2 ) Provision by the customer to the Shop by e-mail, mail, letter, telephone, etc.
3 ) Collection during the customer's use or browsing of the Shop's services 3 ) By collecting information when you use or browse the services of the Shop.

Information acquired when a customer purchases a product, etc.

  • Your name / address / occupation and other basic information
  • Your phone number / email address and other contact information
  • Customer bank account information and other information
  • Other information related to customers and purchases of products by customers

Any other information we obtain in connection with your use of the Shop

  • Products purchased by the customer / Information regarding the use of this store
  • Information about your payment status on our store
  • Other information regarding your use of our store

Purpose of Use

The Shop will use customer information for the following purposes

Provision of services related to the Shop to customers, etc.

  • To confirm purchases of products, etc. made through our store.
  • For billing, payment and confirmation of payment related to our store
  • To provide other services related to the Shop to customers

Improvement of services related to the Shop and planning of new services, etc.

  • To conduct research and analysis regarding the use of the Shop and the manner in which the Shop is used.
  • To conduct surveys about our store for our customers
  • To send rewards for cooperation in surveys, etc.
  • To improve and upgrade services related to the Shop and to plan new services
  • To customize the content of services related to the Shop for individual customers.
  • For planning, research and development of new services
  • To improve the quality of our other services

Information on services related to this store / Responses to customer inquiries, etc.

  • To contact and provide information regarding services related to this store
  • To confirm applications for e-mail delivery services and to deliver e-mails
  • For campaign announcements
  • To send prizes, etc., for prize competitions, etc., for which entries have been received.
  • To inform you of new products and services, etc.
  • To notify you of significant changes to our services, such as changes to our Terms of Use.
  • To respond to customer inquiries, requests, etc.
  • To communicate with customers regarding the use of the Shop in other appropriate ways.

Advertising and marketing

  • To distribute/display or measure the effectiveness of the Shop's advertisements
  • To implement other measures for advertising and marketing purposes

Management and operation, etc.

  • To confirm your use of services and registration information related to the Shop
  • To check your compliance with the Terms and Conditions
  • To deal with customers suspected or found to be in violation of the Terms and Conditions and to resolve any other problems that may arise in the operation of the Shop.
  • To implement other measures necessary to ensure safe use by customers and to maintain the quality of services related to the Shop.

Deposit / Provision of Customer Information to Third Parties

In the following cases, we may provide or deposit customer information to a third party. In such cases, the Shop will, as necessary, screen the third party to ensure that it meets the Shop's standards, and under the Shop's appropriate supervision, the Shop will provide the third party with the customer information and ensure that the customer information is properly managed in the contract.

Deposit/provision to subcontractors

When we outsource all or part of our business to other companies for the purpose of processing customer information, providing information to customers, conducting campaigns and questionnaires, and conducting surveys or analysis of the usage of our services.

Deposit/provision to our cooperating businesses/partners

(This includes cases in which we enter into cooperative or collaborative relationships with ad-serving companies, ad agencies, or other advertising-related businesses for the purpose of distributing, displaying, or measuring the effectiveness of advertisements in our Shop.)

Provision of information to successor companies, etc. in connection with succession of business, etc.

(iii) When the Shop's business, including its services, is transferred to another company through a merger, corporate separation, or business transfer. (This includes cases where the Shop establishes a separate legal entity and the business of the Shop is transferred to such legal entity.)

Provision based on laws and regulations

When requested to provide customer information by a court of law, administrative agency, supervisory authority, or other public agency in accordance with laws and regulations.

To resolve disputes with third parties

When we deem it necessary to provide customer information in order to resolve disputes with third parties or to secure the rights and interests of customers or third parties for services related to our Shop.


The Shop strictly manages customer information to prevent its loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access, or leakage. In some cases, we may outsource the handling of personal information to other companies, in which case we will exercise appropriate supervision over such companies.

Use of Google Analytics and Cookies

Using Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to analyze how our customers use our services and the data collected through the use of Google Analytics is managed in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy. For more information about Analytics and opt-out procedures, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Use and Google's Use of Information Collected from Sites and Apps that Use Google's Services.

Use of Cookies

Cookies and similar technologies may be used to improve convenience, analyze statistical data, and distribute, display, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements.

◯ Cookies are text data that is stored on your device when you access services related to the Shop.

◯ You can restrict or reject the acceptance of cookies at your discretion through your browser settings, etc. However, if you make such a choice, you may not be able to use the services related to this Shop properly.

Where we share your data

Correction of customer information by our store

If there is a change in customer information, such as the name and zip code of a city, town, or village, or the name of a financial institution, which may interfere with billing or payment, we may change the customer information registered with the Shop.

Confirmation and correction of customer information by the customer, disclosure of retained personal data, etc.

You may take the following actions regarding the handling of your information

Verification and correction of customer information

You may review and correct your registered customer information at any time.

Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

When a customer requests disclosure of retained personal data or records related to provision to a third party, the Shop will disclose such data without delay, except in the following cases

  • If disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party
  • If disclosure may cause significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the Shop's business
  • Cases in which disclosure would violate laws and regulations

Correction, etc. of retained personal data

When we receive a request from a customer to correct/add/delete/eliminate/stop using or stop providing to a third party his/her personal data, we will respond to the request in accordance with the law after checking and confirming that the request is made by the customer or his/her appropriately authorized representative and that the request satisfies the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations. The Company will respond to the customer's request in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Please note that we may not be able to respond directly to customer requests due to technical limitations or other reasons.

Disclaimer and precautions

Use of Websites of Other Businesses, etc.

The Shop is not responsible for the protection of your personal information on the websites of other businesses or individuals (including websites to which you are transferred by links from the website used by the Shop to provide services related to the Shop). The Shop is not responsible for the protection of customers' personal information on the websites of other businesses or individuals (including websites to which the Shop links when providing services related to the Shop). Please check the content of such websites carefully before using them.

Information to verify your identity

We ask that you keep the information used to identify you strictly confidential so that it is not lost, forgotten, or leaked to a third party.

Confirmation of Privacy Policy Changes, etc.

The Shop will amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Please be sure to review the most current version of this Privacy Policy before using any of the Shop's services. In the event that the Shop is required by law to obtain your consent to change this Privacy Policy, the Shop will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your use of the Shop or your failure to cancel your registration within the time period specified by the Shop after notification of such change. If you use the Shop after being notified of such changes, or if you do not cancel your registration within the period specified by the Shop, you will be deemed to have consented to the application of the Privacy Policy as amended). The customer is deemed to have agreed to the revised Privacy Policy.

Various inquiries

Please contact us directly if you have any questions about the Shop, or if you wish to make any inquiries or requests to the Shop in accordance with this Privacy Policy or the Personal Information Protection Law.

operating company

Presence Ltd.
President: Keiichi Kui
2-39-45 Shishigaya, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0073, Japan
TEL 045-717-7026 / FAX 045-717-7027
e-mail : info@badland.net

Contact Us

UNDULATION by Kuwai Hana

Sales agent/Inquiries: hiro stage co.
7F Shinbashi 2-chome MT Building, 2-5-5 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
TEL 03-6627-3577 Attn: Niguchi / Fukuoka
e-mail : keiko@hiro-stage.co.jp
e-mail : fukuoka@hiro-stage.co.jp

UNDULATION: Production and sale of artworks
Ginrei-Art production and sales

Please feel free to contact us for more details.

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